Want to Learn More about the Nine Palaces?

Start with Understanding the Nine Palaces of the Heart
- Take your Nine Palaces Assessment
- Take your Relationship Assessment
- Dive into your Loving Yourself Exercise
- Answer the 10 Million Dollar Question

Take the Next Step -
Removing Obstacles with the Nine Palaces:
- Take the True values Exercises
- Learn Tips and Tricks for Alchemical Life Strategy Coaching (for coaches and practitioners)
- Discover key Nine Palaces Challenges
What Inspires You?
The Inspired Action podcast is for anyone interested in creating more balance in life, understanding your Five Element energetic natures, finding the path of greatest ease, releasing the baggage of this lifetime or discovering ancient Alchemy that can help you truly fly in your life.
Listen in as the authors of The Energy of Love and Connecting your Circle, Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman have fast-paced, lively, sometimes funny and inspiring conversations and interviews about finding balance and loving your life more through ancient Chinese Medicine philosophies, The Five Elements, Wu Wei, Alchemy, Daoism, Transformation, Life Coaching, Eckhart Tolle, The Matrix, Gandalf, Abraham, Master Jeffrey Yuen and more … it’s all about having more fun in your life and living as authentically as you can today! We hope what inspires us, will inspire you!
Join us on this Alchemical, transformational journey. Thank you for subscribing to this podcast. We look forward to seeing you in the #InspiredActionPodcast community.
Why Should You Listen?
Are you happy in your life? Do you have passion in your life? Are you waking up everyday thrilled to start your projects and your life’s work? Let’s find the good things you have going on in your life today and expand, grow, and make them even better for tomorrow! If you are not actively participating in your life, then who is? Who really cares what happens to you if you don’t care?
Even if you just listen to one podcast, read one blog post, or listen to one of the meditations, your life could change in a powerful and meaningful way. If you truly have a desire to change… if you really want to get to know yourself a little better, you have landed in the right place. The universe sometimes has a way of showing you what you need to see, hear, or find in the exact moment you need it.
No matter what you do for a living, the amount of success or money you make doesn’t matter if there is no happiness, love, joy, or bliss in your life currently. This is a start on your journey of living an authentic existence, no matter how young or old you are. It is time to start waking up in your life, start paying attention, start looking at things from a perspective of “this is my life, my time. I need to be awake and aware right now!”

These podcasts will explore and touch on things we talk about with our clients everyday. We use all of these strategies and tips with “real” people in real sessions. We will talk about Energy and the Five Elements, Chinese Medicine, how to find more time in your life to balance the things that mean the most to you. We will talk about Alchemy and being immortal. We talk about past traumas and how to move forward with the Thirteen Ghost Points. You will learn what the ancient Daoist concept of Wu Wei is all about and how it could transform the way you look at yourself, those around you and the world we live in.
We are happy you are here, and we hope you start (or continue) your journey to find your Inspired Action.
Our Books
Order Leta Herman & Jaye McElroy's
Enter the Mystery Gate of Daoist Alchemy and discover how to remove the obstacles in your way, embrace the magic of all that is, and learn to fly in your life.
What if…
What if there is no need to wait to achieve the spiritual transformation you’re seeking? What if the ancient Daoist Alchemists left a clear roadmap you can start to follow toward your destination?
We’ve all experienced what it feels like to be a rudderless boat at sea, being tossed this way and that, trying to get more good in life while avoiding all the bad stuff, no matter what. It’s downright taxing and exhausting both physically and emotionally. Without a level of authenticity and self awareness in our own lives, we can end up succumbing to the winds of change blowing us hither and thither through our life.
What if…
What if life does not have to be this way. What if you’ve decided it’s time to move the obstacles in your way and see what is on the other side? Whether your life’s dream is to live without suffering, to overcome the obstacles before you, love unconditionally, achieve your fullest potential, or to reach true enlightenment, Through the Mystery Gate is the blueprint guide for anyone who has had these desires and has secretly wondered HOW can I do this!
Join Our Online Community
The Alchemy Learning Center

The Alchemy Learning Center is a happy space to help you live a more authentic and fulfilling life through Alchemy.
This growing community is for those who seek to gain a deeper knowledge about themselves and the universe through the ancient wisdom of Alchemy. We have created a safe place to gather together online. Members from around the world can interact, ask questions, make friends, as well as laugh & learn together!
Start now with a class, meditation, livestream event and much more
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Join the Learning Center and get access to the PodList, Connecting Your Circle book, and Advanced Five Element Webinar!
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Let's Work Together
We love being on other people’s podcasts or collaborating on projects! If you’d like to get in touch with us please send us an email and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Email: info[at]inspiredactionpodcast[dot]com