Are you asking what you really want without any limitations? It can be a tough thing to do for many people. By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow Us on: Facebook and Instagram
In this episode, we continue our discussion of Stage One of Alchemy.
“It’s not based on money… It’s not based on fears, taking risks. There’s no mistakes. There’s no right, no wrong…. It’s a simple question, however, it’s the most profound question of our lives. What do I really want?”
“Whenever you’ve been in the dark and you’re moving towards the light… it’s very bright in comparison to the darkness… you may have this exhilaration… an epiphany… but you may feel overwhelmed.” “Something just speaks to you from the space that is not your mind.” Getting to the Light at the End of the Tunnel After you make the commitment to embark on this journey, you may get some clarity about all the things you want to change in your life. But it can be overwhelming… what do you do when you’re overwhelmed by seeing what you need to see clearly. How do you move forward? The What-Do-I-Really-Want-Process of Alchemy
You have to separate from the world and learn how to meditate. It’s about starting a self-cultivation practice. You have to retreat from the world, to think, to process, to reflect.
“We need to give ourselves permission to reflect.”
You need to ask “What do I really want” without any limitations, barricades, or roadblocks.
Are you willing to ask yourself this question?
“Even if they might know what they want, they put all these barricades or roadblocks in the way that they make it almost certain that they’re not going to get what they want. It’s almost the opposite… it can be an unraveling about how to get around these roadblocks, or if we have to, we’ll blow them up.”
This process involves asking this question completely open-ended. There are no limitations.
What if your whole life you’re being or doing something you don’t want to be or do?
You need to give yourself the time to really listen to your higher self.
What is the monkey mind? There’s a difference between your higher self and your ego-based monkey mind.
Being vs. Doing
What do you do for money? And what do you do for passion?
Who do I really want to be? It’s the same question as What do I really want? It’s an identity question. “…when I told her that this question could be a being-ness question, and that she could actually wish for in her life, the Wu Wei that we talked about…she was so excited… Someone had given her the permission to just be the person she wanted to be…” The Meditation Think of yourself as a giant antenna. Turn on your receiver and wait for that signal to come in. Quiet that monkey mind. Asking yourself, what do I really want and tune yourself into the answer. You’re going to receive something. Something that arrives in your mind. You don’t manufacture it. Wait and be patient. Answer this question not from the mind level but from the spirit level. Write down your answers in your journal. Links in this Episode:
- The Nine Stages of Alchemy – take you on a journey of self-cultivation with the goal of helping you truly fly in your life and live your full potential.
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