8 – Be Like Lao Tzu | Detach and Let Go in Your Life

Are you hanging on to unhealthy emotions? Can you let go of your day? Do you meditate everyday? Do you feel like you are in a constant state of Anxiety or Depression? Learn more about flying in your life as we talk about the First Stage of Alchemy, Chinese Medicine, Motivational and Transformational mind, and Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now. By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow Us on: Facebook and Instagram This is a special episode that introduces and explains our first guided meditation, The Letting Go First Stage of Alchemy meditation. To download the meditation, click here. “If you’re hanging onto all of the good stuff, you really can’t fly in your life because it’s weighing you down… And this podcast is all about flying and living your life to its full potential and then you get your inspired action!” Some of the concepts we cover are:

  • Experiencing Emotions in the Now Moment
  • Your emotions themselves are not bad if you allow yourself to feel them in the now moment.
  • Eckhart Tolle being in the now moment–not trying to prevent something from happening and not trying to create something in that moment. Just being.
  • Lao-Tzu and embracing your child-like mind.
  • Sleeping like a baby with child-like innocence.
  • How to do The Letting Go Meditation before you go to sleep.

Practice this meditation before going to sleep. You review your day, and let it go.

This simple meditation cleanses you and creates movement in your life. 

To get your free guided letting go meditation: sign up for a Free Access membership at the AlchemyLearningCenter.com.

Thought Quotes: “The more you can remember, the more attached you are to your life. The more you can let go, the more detached you can become.” “You want to experience emotions because you want to be alive. But, they also can weigh you down if you hang onto them… You don’t want emotions to linger. They pull you down and cause anxiety and depression.” “You can’t take those things you’re holding onto with you when you die. So then why hold onto them? If you let it go now, heaven can exist on earth.” “You have to begin to let go of your day everyday… so when you wake and rise in the morning, are you free from yesterday?” Links in this Episode:

To get your free PDF copy of Connecting Your Circle: sign up for a Free Access membership at the AlchemyLearningCenter.com.


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