21 – Meditate Not Medicate | Interview with Dr. Mary Friedman Ryan

Feeling stressed and anxious in your life? Moving too fast? Are you the master of the monkey mind?  Have you tried to meditate for years and it never worked? Learn about easy Tibetan Medicines techniques for calming your mind in our interview with Dr. Mary Friedman Ryan. Healing Anxiety is a book that shows how ancient Tibetan practices, food, meditation, exercises, and incense can easily make a difference in your health and happiness. “Be your own healer and solve your own problems by taking control of your own life.”  By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod’s interview, we talked about:

  • Healing Anxiety book: Tibetan Medicine perspective on herbs, diet, constitution, healing exercises and healing retreats.
  • Moving at a “Glacial Pace” – the head roll healing exercise – gets you into a serene place.
  • Presence all day — pausing with each new task.
  • Outdoor meditation– Tibetan meditation on space. Staring at the horizon.
  • Three basic constitutions/humors
  • Dietary regimen for anxiety — foods your body wants to eat
  • The Five elements and the three humors

Thought Quotes: “The head roll empties my mind in ways meditation doesn’t.” “Meditating is addictive and great for opioid use disorder. We need more meditation. Get addicted to good things. Meditation and this podcast” “rLung is the horse. It’s the vital force in our energy that we ride and we should be riding it. We should be controlling our minds and our emotions with reins in a very gentle nice way. You can’t hold too strictly to thoughts and you can’t let them go wild either. You need that balance.” “On your deathbed, do you think you’ll say, ‘I wish I’d posted one more photo of my food. No.’” Links in this Episode:


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