26 – See, Say, and Smell the Five Elements!

Five Element fun: Part 2! The Walks, the talks, the looks, and the smells… we want you to experience it all! Discover how all the elements look in the real world. How do you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Do your eyes twinkle and flirt? Does your smell tickle everyone’s noses.  Listen and learn – and then feel them! “When I teach people to feel the Five Element energies in their bodies, they learn them so much faster.” By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod’s interview, we talked about:

  • The Talk – “Talking is just another way that elemental vibration is manifesting through humanity. Think about the difference between between an assertive, commanding voice like an army sergeant directing a squad to do something vs. a hospice nurse asking a patient to move her legs. You simply cannot use the same voice for both of those situations. You have to modulate your voice accordingly, and that would tap into the Five Elements. You just tap into that element.”
  • The Eyes
    • Wood – Direct laser beam eyes
    • Fire – Flirty eyes
    • Earth – Big round eyes that envelop you, softer look
    • Metal – Defocused eyes, x-ray vision
    • Water – Cat-slit suspicious eyes or intense big eyes
  • The Smells – If you want to figure out someone’s smell, just walk into their bedroom and take a big sniff. Smells have energy. The Wood and Water smells are higher, and the Fire and Earth smells are in the middle like around your head. The metal smell is low, like down by the floor.

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