Do you get triggered easily by the little things in your life? Do basic fears, feelings of disconnection and annoyances seem all too familiar to you? Listen to our conversation and see if it’s time to free yourself from these basic Triggers.
“Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them”
— Eckhart Tolle By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram In this Pod, we talked about:
- Our newest addition to the podcast, Five Element Friday!
- What are Triggers? How do they effect our Tentacles?
- Our 3 Needs: Survival, Connection, Individuality
- 4 Common Triggers: Fear, Guilt, Loneliness, Annoyances (there can be many more!)
- Triggerwork: Which triggers get your Tentacles going? Who’s pulling your Trigger??
Thought Quotes:
“Triggers are feelings.”
“You sleep if you’re sleep deprived, you eat if you’re hungry, and maybe you say the big scary two-letter word “N-O!””
“We first experience a feeling, which is a normal response, but then the past comes up and reels its ugly Kraken head! We remember the past circumstances (Tentacles) that this Trigger is reminding us of.”
Links in this Episode:
The Inspired Action Podcast App (available in iTunes store and Google Play)
Be The Observer – Eckhart Tolle
The first Thirteen Ghost Points Episode!
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