85 Alchemy is… Everything!

Embrace Alchemy and feel free to soar through your life.

“In the legend, Ge Hong and his wife Bao Gu disappeared in front of Ge Hong’s apprentices eyes and just left a pile of clothes behind… Clothes drop! I’m out!”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Join us for the episode that explains the Nine Stages of Alchemy:

  • BaoPuZi, Master of Simplicity – by Ge Hong
  • Enlightenment for Daoists
  • The Nine Stages of Alchemy – a roadmap
  • The Nine Palaces
  • Stage One – letting go of resistance to change
  • Stage Two – the best protection is no protection
  • Stage Three – letting go of the influence of past lives and ancestral lineage
  • Stage Four – being like a child
  • Stage Five – being the wise old person
  • Stage Six – flying in your life!
  • Last 3 stages of Alchemy — morphing, invisibility and walking through walls

Thought Quotes:

“Each stage is a paradigm shift that alters your beliefs. Your perception of the current reality will be adjusted.”

“Because Alchemy asks you to walk through doors fearlessly —doors that open up new worlds, realities, perspectives, and even yourself.”

“You really need to go into the caves yourself, but not like a man-cave… with surround-sound and a Lazy-Boy… to do these upper stages of work.”

Links in this Episode:

Through the Mystery Gate book


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