86 Off to Be the Wizard – The Wonderful Wizard of Life!

Is there more to life than this? If you want to ask yourself this question, then you may be an Alchemist. Discover why in this episode on asking this question means you’re stepping into the role of the Wizard.

“This is all about you embarking on your Alchemical journey… being a wizard means living limitless. Not even being limited by yourself, moving beyond yourself, beyond your habituated ways of reacting to the world and not being limited by who you are. It’s about being more than who you are, being open and flying free.”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Becoming an Alchemical Wizard…

Thought Quotes:

“So for this week, it’s about asking yourself, ‘Is there more to life than this?’”

“It’s a willingness to first find your authentic self and then to let it go.”

“Part of being in the magic is not having to figure everything out.  Part of it is trusting that if you step into Alchemy, the way will unfold for you.”

Links in this Episode:

Through the Mystery Gate book


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