95 Come on Baby Light Your (Own) Fire!

What do Fires really want? What are they really looking for? They want to burn brightly in the world! But what if they don’t feel safe and accepted? Can they feel safe enough to be a lighthouse of love in the world – letting their love burn brightly!

“The Fire heart is like a big furnace, they’re looking for passion through other people and social circumstances that fuels the furnace – those are the Fire Starters… those little sticks and crumpled up pieces of paper that really help bring them back from the barely burning coals, so they can burn brighter.”

By Jaye McElroy and Leta Herman | Follow: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram What does Fire REALLY want?

  • What does Fire really want? To burn brightly in the world!
  • The Social Palace – if it was one of the Nine Palaces – it would be a Fire palace
  • Acceptance allows Fires to feel safe to burn brightly
  • Why Fires need to be loved – by EVERYONE
  • What happens when a Fire’s fire goes out…
  • Restarting a Fire’s fire
  • Excitement and wildfires
  • Why some Fires can’t receive love
  • How some Fires get burned out
  • The Prosperity Palace and why it’s so hard

Thought Quotes:

“They think everyone has to love them all the time and then they get shocked because they put their hearts on their sleeves and then someone comes along and knocks their ice cream cone on the ground.”

“And that’s a Fire’s life. Sometimes people are mean, but you manage to keep your coals burning low, or something bigger happens and the Fire goes completely out. And it takes a lot longer to bring it back up.”

“They want to share good things and have people benefit and be excited about what they’re excited about and have it spread like wildfire.”

Links in this Episode:

Through the Mystery Gate book


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